Premier texte
Message to my soul
The Light of Love spreads its wings over our darkened soul and shines through every single flaw to enlighten our heart and remind us that we are pure light, pure energy and pure love.
So do not fret, little pet !
However frail, however scared you might be,
Love is there !
We tend to forget our perfect nature and get lost in the meanders of our personality while our true self is there waiting for us to let it shine through and cast the light of love.
Burdened by our ego, we do not reach our inner self yet our flaws should be welcome, ,for their existence is but our guide.
So , little pet, welcome your weaknesses, your defaults as real friends, as foils to your awakening,to yourself, to your true nature.
Acceptance, patience, observance,perseverance and confidence are the ingredients to come to terms with our conflictual soul and reach inner peace, serenity.
Learning from our past, our childhood or birth not to begrudge on others or seek the origin of our pain but with a view to healing while accepting the fact that we are the creators of our own suffering or joy.
Deuxième texte
Meanders of the Mind
In that wilderness of emotions
I try to understand the relations
Between my heart and my reason
However hard it is, I must reckon.
The meanders of my mind make me weary
Of my personality, not the real Me.
Education has become too heavy
And slowly I attempt to reach serenity.
Work, order, perfection have become my foes
as I yearn to chase them until peace flows.
Creativity, drawing,writing are eager to come out
So that my soul can breathe out.
Troisième texte
I wonder…..
I wonder whether you will stay with me
Whatever the hardships, whatever my moods
I wonder whether the flame that we kindled
Whatever the winds, whatever the rainy drops
Will remain there between you and me.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Where the magnificent colours mellow my mind
Shall I meet my guardian angel
With its luminous cloak and gentle smile,
To be forever released of my anger.
A long way to go, a long time to wait
Till I find myself, my real self at last…
Merci à Alexandra pour ce partage, on ne peut qu’être touché par la profondeur et la douceur de ses mots. Elle nous invite à un véritable voyage intérieur.
Merci infiniment…
Maryse de Mes Mots de vie